Monday, July 9, 2007

Green is Sexy

Blue Ridge Outdoors, one of my favorite magazines, has their green issue on newsstands now. It is chock full of information about environmental issues, local people who are making a difference, and ways that you and I can create change in our own lives. I feel inspired, guilty (I remember every time I left my cell phone charger plugged in), and enlightened, as the green movement grows and grows. Finally, one mainstream trend I can feel good about following!

This is not to say that I am a Green Poster Girl. I still buy plastic all of the time, I eat non-organic dairy products, and I'm stubborn about holding on things I know are toxic (running shoes, for example). Does anyone else struggle with being both "comfortable" and "good"? Sometimes, especially after watching something like the film The Corporation, I want to give all my stuff away and live in the woods. But other times, I really like soaking in the tub or watching television. Where's the middle ground? How do I live my life responsibly without becoming a fanatic?

I'd appreciate any advice or stories of similar confusion. Until I find The Way, maybe little changes will take me there with baby steps. One thing I am excited about is freelance writing from home. Not only can I work in my ratty clothes, I may not ever have to buy a car! And my new passion for going green gives me lots of new material.

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